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Old 01-23-2016, 04:52 AM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 80
Unhappy New cat problems?????

Recently, we have obtained my nan's old cat, Solomon, when she passed away. He is a very sweet cat and I love him to bits, but I can hardly ever get my hamster out at all because of it, and poor Smudge (my hamster) has been hiding behind his wheel whenever I've opened his cage door, because he sometimes sees Solomon going past.

Solomon tends to ignore Smudge, but once he actually jumped on top of his cage (luckily Smudge is a heavy sleeper, so he didn't wake up) and that really scared me, though afterwards he left him alone.

We've had Solomon for a month now, and Smudge for 2 years and it's certainly not an option to get rid of either of them.

There's no space to move Smudge's cage to, and we can't shut him in his own room, because then Solomon can't get to the living room, and that's his most favourite place in the whole house.

I'm really worried that if I get Smudge out and play with him, even if I take him upstairs and shut the door, that when I have to take him back to his cage (which is downstairs), Solomon will either eat him, or terrorise him to death!

Are there any tips or advice on this situation?????
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