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Old 01-18-2016, 03:11 AM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: Where do your hamsters live?

Charlie is in the living room underneath a window - it's a kind of bay window and the cage is quite a long way underneath it, on the floor (I think it's ok to put a cage on the floor, but the duna multy is probably better on a shelf/unit as you say).

The window position sounds fine if the cage is lower than the window itself and it's not draughty. The main problem with windows is if the cage is on a level with it which could be too bright and hot when the sun is out.

Another thing is making sure they aren't too close to the television. If that corner spot doesn't work well you could always have the dining room as a second option.

As for moving her cage contents over, it might be better to have her out of the cage while you do this. If you have a pet carrier that would be an ideal place to pop her while you do it (ours goes to sleep in his pet carrier if I put a blanket over the top. If you don't have something to put her in, then you could put the new substrate in the duna multy and pop her in there to play while you take the stuff out of the old cage. Then pop her back in the old cage (even though all the substrate is out of it) while you put the old substrate on top of the new and set up the duna multy, then move her across. It'll be a bit unsettling, but not for long and when she goes into the duna multy it'll have her familiar bedding and toys in. The only thing with putting her back in the old cage while you set up the duna multy is it might be an idea to take all the levels and ladders out and put her house on the base, so she doesn't fall and hurt herself with no substrate in there.

Your old cage could be useful as a play cage for when you do a cage clean on the duna, although really, full cage cleans don't need to be done very often if you have enough substrate and spot clean and she starts using a potty.

Last edited by Pebbles82; 01-18-2016 at 03:19 AM.
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