Thread: My sweetie
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Old 01-16-2016, 02:53 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 43
Default Re: My sweetie

Agh we are having a bad couple of days. She wouldn't come out yesterday. I hamster proofed one of our rooms to let her run and explore, put a couple of toys on the floor as well, but she just wouldn't come out from her house. She usually spins her wheel at about 9-10pm. Yesterday we stayed up till midnight and she came out eventually but then she kept hiding behind the wheel, under the substrate ... Wouldn't even take food from our hands (but she took it during the night and the food bowl is less full as well).

She might just be having a bad day. I will try again tonight. Or I might have pushed her too far this week. I was actually very surprised that after a week of having her, she was eating food while sitting on my hand. She even tolerated me stroking her while she was eating with my other hand. Now it seems like she decided we need to take a couple of steps back.

She is sometimes quite active in the middle of the day, at about 3pm. Would it be a bad idea to give her a bit of cage-free time then if I am at home?
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