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Old 01-15-2016, 01:51 AM  
Hamster Overlord
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Default Re: willow very poorly

Thanks cypher. I've been up with her a few times in the night and she took a little more water. This morning she is still curled up in her pot slightly on one side still breathing. Her breathing looks fairly normal and she has got up during the night and eaten some more cucumber and a bean sprout and the rest of the mashed carrot from yesterday. Its a surprise to me as I thought she wouldn't want it, I got up at 2 to put the veg out for her as she suddenly decided she wanted the last bit of cucumber. My dilemma now is whether to ring the vet or not. If she hadn't touched her food I would have done. It's the weekend tomorrow which will make things much more difficult vet-wise. I think I will book an appointment for late on today if they have ond see how she is when I get home, I have to go out at lunchtime and early aft. She doesn't look uncomfortable but she can't be feeling great at all so I want to make sure she doesn't suffer but not end her life too soon. My poor little girl. I hoped she would have passed in the night so I didn't have to drag her about anywhere today. Thanks everyone for your thoughts x
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