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Old 01-14-2016, 08:08 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Sep 2015
Posts: 11
Default Re: What should I do?

Originally Posted by Thin Lizzy View Post
Hi Red Jelly,
I really feel for you and your hammy. How about you start at the beginning on getting him use to your smell and voice - stuff some tissues up your sleeves for a couple of hours and then place in his cage, this will let him be able to smell you and get use to you. Repeat the tissue trick daily for a week and talk in a quiet and soft voice to him whenever you can, also everytime he comes out of his house praise him.
While doing the tissue trick, offer him a little treat and if he takes it, praise him. This will give him more confidence.
He could find his out of cage time a bit overwhelming, it could be the size of space and him keeping to the walls suggests this. I would put his cage in the hamster proof room and take a couple of toys out and place them near the cage. Also use some empty boxes so he can run and hide under them, this will make him feel safer. Build this time up gradually, start with 15 minutes and then when you put him back in his cage reward him with a tasty treat and praise him.
Thank you for the advice, next time I will put some stuff in the hamster proof room so that he can hide and explore.

I already do the tissue trick and I cuddle him all the time :3 he's tame, just not so much that he would let me pick him up, he just jumps away when i try to cup him xD I guess it's my fault as well as he is my first hamster and I'm scared to scare him or something :P
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