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Old 12-30-2015, 12:15 PM  
Hamster Overlord
Join Date: Nov 2015
Location: United States
Posts: 693
Default Re: Watch me build up my tank! :)

Hi guys!

So I switched some things around. Here is a new over-all view of the tank.

As you can see in this picture, I've adjusted the bendy bridge wall. The short bridge is now in front, so it will be much easier for the hamster to get back and forth between the two sections.

I also made the bridge wall wrap all away to the back of the tank. This really serves no purpose other than aesthetics, but I think it looks nice. And although it is very obvious that I need a LOT more sand, this little bag gives a small sneak peak of what that section will look like. I just ordered a lot more sand last night, and it should be in within a week.

As you can hopefully tell, the shelf is not yet done... I ran out of dowels to make fences with. But it's really coming together so far!

The back row and sides are completely dry, the front row is still wet.

That tiny bag of sand was $11 (2lbs!) >.> But I just ordered 25lbs from a new store for only $22.
I also had to open a new pack of $3 dowels (which I previously thought I'd be returning). And I'm going to need to go buy more.
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