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Old 12-30-2015, 05:16 AM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: Watch me build up my tank! :)

You can't go wrong with either of those wheels really. I don't find cleaning our Wobust wheel difficult at all, because Charlie doesn't pee in his wheel lol! I can get away with just wiping it out occasionally. Most hams do pee in their wheels apparently. It seems to be a bit like Marmite over the Wodent wheel cleaning. Some people like that it comes apart for cleaning and put all the parts in the dishwasher - some people say it's a pain.

I know what you mean about the look of the California wheel - it is big and deep and would look quite obvious in a cage or tank and take up a fair bit of depth. I think it might be easier in a tank though, due to the sturdy base and being height adjustable - if you had it at full height you could have more substrate under it and it would sit on the base of the tank. The Wodent wheels are quite low to the ground. So if it was on the base of the tank there would hardly be any depth of substrate near it, and if it sits on the substrate they can be a bit wobbly. I think they work best hung from the top but again that could be difficult with a tank and mesh lid or stood on a platform, (although I've seen diy things where people have rigged up a wood bar from to straddle the tank with the wheel stand attached.

The wood trixie wheel you mentioned is very like the Karlie one I think but I don't think it's quite as well made. You are right the Karlie wood wheel would be a good choice for a tank, it's quite stable. But postage would make it expensive. They can also be a bit of a pain, as even when waterproofed they can get stinky if a ham wees in it regularly. We had one and it broke after six months (the spindle kind of snapped). I am much happier with the Wobust wheel even though it doesn't look as good.

The Germans only recommend two types of wheel for safety - the Wodent Wheel and the wood ones. They are very anti anything plastic in their cages, but the Wodent Wheels are an exception as they're made from a special kind of non toxic plastic apparently so meet German approval! Wodent wheels are the go to choice in Germany and the US I believe. Some German tanks have the Karlie wood wheel or the Rodipet wood wheels, but they also tend to line their wood wheels with a plastic track from the Wodent wheel to help waterproof them - so with that thinking I reckon you might as well have a Wodent wheel. On the other hand the Germans don't have the California wheel easily available.

Here are the ideas for hanging one in a tank - looks a bit complicated to me! Thought you might be interested as you've made a good job of your wood shelf!

Wodent Wheel Tidbits

I think one of the darker colours would look ok in the California wheel - less obtrusive. The white stand part could be under the substrate.
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