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Old 12-28-2015, 04:12 PM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: What did you and your Ham get for Christmas?

It's ok where we are but not far away in Cumbria keeps getting badly hit. More floods in Carlisle and more flood warnings for Wednesday. We live opposite a big river and it never floods - ironical. It's a long way down and controlled by reservoirs. Yet its classed as a high risk flood zone and hard to get house insurance. Yet places that aren't in flood risk zones are getting flooded by surface water flooding. Some of the roads round here get pretty bad hence we don't go to the cinema if bad rain is forecast as the road to the town where the cinema is gets flooded.

Little boy keeps calling it his 'phone'. I keep telling him it isn't a phone it's a mini tablet. But to him it looks like a phone, so it's a phone lol. Even though it doesn't make phone calls.
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