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Old 03-15-2005, 11:57 AM  
Adult Hamster
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Texas, USA (British)
Posts: 310

LOL oh my gosh, I don't know which of us was worse! I used to love makeing things out of cardboard though!

When I was little, I was lucky that the school I went to also allowed pets. as it was also a boarding school. (although I was just a day boarder, left at 6pm) We had a pet room downstairs in the basement of the school and all sorts were down there, mostly rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters - small pets, that we were allowed to keep there. I kept my one hamster there. Well, during the day we would take our hamsters (poor things, wake them up !) but we'd take them into class with us. We put them inside our desks, remember the old school desks that opened up? Well they would go in there. I'd have bedding in mine, with some food - along with my school books, and occasionaly during the day you would hear "nibble nibble". Teacher soon heard it, or heard us giggling, and came looking LOL! It happened so often though, we'd take them out and carry them around in our bags and they'd sleep in our desks during the day!!! Honesly. Could you imagine that now? It was very hard not to play with them while you were supposed to be listening to the teacher! Oh the fun... yes those were definately the good old days! Gosh we could start a whole thread on this topic!
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