Thread: Cruel or not?
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Old 12-20-2015, 04:17 PM  
Honey Pot
Hamster Pup
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Default Re: Cruel or not?

Have been reading with interest! We're now into week 2 with new hammie Frodo, and I've pretty much established that he likes his sleep. I'm keen to get him into a routine of waking up around 7-8pm to give us 'play time' out of the cage before the kids go to bed. Frodo isn't keen on this idea, but I'm not sure if that's because young hamsters need more sleep, or if it's just because he's so shy (the shyest I'e encountered to date - he much prefers to wait until we're all fast asleep before venturing out). I've been doing the water and food, and chatting away (to myself apparently) to try and rustle him awake gently, but he's not playing ball yet.

Whilst I really don't want to have to wake him, that's pretty much what we've had to do twice, just to check he was ok (I was beginning to worry) and to give me a chance to spot clean. I think it's a fine balance between following their lead, and giving them a little nudge to comply, so to speak. I want Frodo to want to wake up and come out for interaction, and I know if we were going at his pace we wouldn't have had any handling time at all yet. That in itself worries me, as I don't want to leave it too long and then find I've left it too late.
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