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Old 12-19-2015, 01:25 PM  
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Default Re: Are my hamsters ok?

Hello shyimafadh, and welcome to Hamster Central. I moved your post to a thread of its own.
If your hamsters are Syrians...the big hamsters...they should never be together, ever. They can kill each other. Separate all of them right away.
If the hamsters are dwarf hamsters, even though you may see them together, it is very easy to have them fall out (start fighting). A pregnant hammy can be upset easily, so if this is a female and pregnant, any nipping, biting or bullying is a sign that they must be separated. ANY bleeding is an emergency...separate immediately. It's good that you did separate, but you can never put them back together. Also, the newer hamsters may also start fussing or fighting. Keep an eye on them. DO NOT let the newer hamsters meet either one of the first pair. They will see the single hamster as a stranger and try to kill it. It's a shame that you didn't find HC sooner, before you got all these hammies. Researching a pet before you buy it helps to avoid problems like this. So sorry this happened. Take time to read all the different threads here on the site. This will help you with your little furry friends. Hope they are okay.

Last edited by DrKMcK; 12-19-2015 at 05:55 PM.
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