Thread: Cruel or not?
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Old 12-19-2015, 11:15 AM  
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Default Re: Cruel or not?

Just my opinion and experience..... But I think every hamster could be different but certainly in the early days of taming I would refrain from waking a hamster but do gently talk, they will get used to the sound of your voice.

We are really lucky with Neptune as his sleep patterns have pretty much molded to when we are in and out. He's awake when I get up, around 5am, then when I get home at 5, I'll say hello and he'll pop out for a cuddle....if I am off work he'll generally come out at lunchtime for some food and always up when we have tea....think its the smell of food!!!! Then he's up around 10.30.... Which is later than when he was younger but he is 2 in March so needs his beauty sleep!!! We don't wake him up without reason but if we've been out for the day....he'll pop out to say....where have you been! Wouldn't have it any other way.

Hope this helps a little
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