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Old 12-16-2015, 10:59 AM  
Newborn Pup
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Default Re: Maddie Won't Chew!

Originally Posted by cypher View Post
Whimzees are also known as antos dog chews, another chew you could try is greenies again a dog chew.

Have you spoken to the vet about her pouches? If she has a recurrent infection there she will most likely need a course of antibiotics or even more than one course if it's persistent.
It does sound as though her teeth aren't growing correctly any more & unfortunately that will mean regular trips to the vet as there's no other way of dealing with it, only regular clipping.
I would also ask the vet to check the back teeth if this hasn't been done, they may well be fine but with ongoing problems with the front teeth they may not be wearing down either.
The vet wanted to look inside the pouches and the back teeth, but said that they would need to put her to sleep to do it and they did not think she would survive because of how sick she was. Videos online show a vet clipping teeth quickly without putting them under (except one video I found) so I'm hoping its like cutting nails, fast ad painless. But because they didnt want to put her under, her back teeth have never been checked.

She was on two types of antibiotics when she was at her worst and from them she developed an ear infection and had to be taken off of one of them (the stronger one). The vet still thinks she will die at any time, so they are more concerned with comfort then cure, they think its a tumor but have not looked into it for fear of putting her under/stress killing her.

She is much stronger now so I'm hoping they will be more optimistic this time. They havent seen her in a few months, just kept refilling her antibiotics, which she ran out of and stopped taking about a month ago.

TBH, she seems to have gotten stronger faster off of them then on them; all her hair grew back when she stopped them and she gained weight. Her only remaining symptom (minus her teeth) is the small puss discharges every now and then and they dont seem too worried about it. Last time she went they didnt even take a sample (I opened her mouth and pushed some out for them, but they said they didnt need it).
I love my Maddie the Dwarf Hamster!!
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