Thread: Arthritis?
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Old 12-11-2015, 04:08 AM  
Angie B
Adult Hamster
Join Date: May 2014
Location: Redcar, (near Middlesbrough)
Posts: 290
Default Re: Arthritis?

Originally Posted by cypher View Post
That's really good to hear, just easy on the yogurt drops then!
Yes, I've cut them into 4 where possible, or 3, and he'll only have a tiny piece either daily or even every other day and then I'll swap a treat for one of the sugar free rabbit treats we have (we have 2 rabbits) so hopefully that'll help his weight. He's not overweight though at 195g I don't think, but still, I'm no vet and if it helps his back legs to lose a little bit then so be it. But of course we don't want him to lose too much else that won't be healthy either.

Originally Posted by racinghamster View Post
So pleased to hear Skittle is faring better Angie, that is good news. Go with the pain relief/anti-inflammatory for a few more weeks and take some notes on his movements an overall health and report this back to the vet. Sometimes stopping the medication to see if symptoms return is done as sometimes the relief can be due to the drug, but it can also be worth considering if drug might cause him other issues but if he seems fine on it at this dose and doesn`t seem phased or stops eating or anything, just go with your vets best advice on this and good luck. x
Yes, we're watching him carefully when he's out, he tends to be stiffer when he's first out on the floor but I guess that's to be expected as he then kind of limbers up after a while and then he's off exploring! But we will keep our eye on him for sure. When I put him back of an evening I tend to put him in his top cage as he doesn't have to struggle up to get to his water bottle then and he can have a nap if he wants to before going downstairs as it were. He does have a water bottle downstairs, plus a bowl, but I don't think the downstairs bottle works and I've never seen him drink out of the bowl either! So it's just to make life a bit easier for him by putting him upstairs as he's generally thirsty after being out for 20 minutes or so on the floor. And of course running about he's tired so it's hard work getting up his tunnel for a drink so putting him basically next to his water is kinder I think.

The stupid thing nearly strangled himself last night . Got behind my curtains and by the time I got to him he'd somehow got snagged in the cords at the bottom of the vertical blinds, twisted it around his neck and couldn't get free, you know the knotted cord that keeps the blinds from swinging madly away? I went rather hot trying to free him, I kept my head but it was an adrenalin rush I can tell you - for both of us I think! I was quite relieved when I got him free and I think he was too! I don't know how he managed to do it and why he makes a beeline for behind my curtains I have no idea! I'm just glad I realised where he'd gone.

He's fast asleep at the moment, looks really cute all curled up
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