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Old 11-24-2015, 08:12 AM  
Hamster Pup
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Default Day One

November 24th 2015 - Day 1

Today is the first day of Banoffee's taming! Of course, I'm going to be starting on step one from my taming method. I've got tissues up my sleeves ready to go for before I go to bed! I've felt around the cage a few times but mostly whilst she's been asleep! She's been up to investigate me moving her wheel around, as pictured above ahah~ She's sniffed at me but she hasn't braved coming up to me and sniffing me yet, but honestly I don't expect that just yet! ♥

Update - 17:47

I put a tissue in each sleeve at around 10am and I've decided to put the one from my right sleeve in her cage early! This means when she wakes up again, there will be the tissue with my scent in there so she can roam around and get used to it! I'll be awake so I can still occasionally pop my hand in but I don't want to overwhelm her since she seems a little bit jumpy. I have another piece of tissue to put in before I go to bed! I'll update again if anything else happens! ♥

Update - 20:00

Banoffee is very vocal in her concerns for me putting my hand in her cage, she's curious but very nervous. She's easy to fright, and even the slightest movement can make her jump slightly. She has also tried jumping across the cage to get away from my hand. I can tell I'm going to need to be very patient with her, of course that's okay though! I hope we can develop a bit more trust soon! I have all my faith in her and I'm not the slightest bit nervous of her and I know we can both do this.. we just need to take it slow!

Last edited by Chezzu; 11-24-2015 at 01:09 PM.
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