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Old 11-04-2015, 04:14 AM  
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Default re: Lord James, Earl of Metallica

He's settling in nicely which is what I was hoping and he's very easy going with handling too. It was a couple of months before May was at the stage where she'd really be happy about me picking her up out of her cage.

It seems to make a real difference to taming if a hamster has been handled well in their early life. Whilst I don't know a great deal about May's background, I wouldn't have said she was handled much before she came to live with me. With the best will in the world, I still think that there are limitations on what a pet shop can do and if a breeder is not interested in handling the young then there will be some very nervous pets in the market.

Lord James was out and about in his tank today when I came home from the doctor so I offered him one of May's favourite seeds. He took it out of my fingers with his paws, looked at it and then started nibbling away. It was so cute.
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