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Old 10-26-2015, 12:39 PM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 61
Exclamation Baby food: Yay or Nay?


My hamster has been a little under the weather recently and is on anti-inflamatories. She's not taking them on it's own so I was recommended to try mixing the drops with baby food.

What are your thoughts on baby food? Someone people say they freeze portions in ice cube trays and defrost one each day as the hamsters food. Would this really provide them with the nutrition they need?

I'm only asking because Phoebe has been picky with her food and sometimes just not eating at all since her leg got bad. But, she is however eating all of the baby food off the spoon. Therefore, I'm starting to think this might be my answer! Melt a cube each day and put it into her food bowl?

So, would this be okay, or just as a treat, or just no? ;D

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