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Old 10-16-2015, 08:59 AM  
Hamster Overlord
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Default Re: Zonked out on antibiotics?

Thanks Cypher, yes she did perk up again and had a little run around before she went to bed. I'd say she is still quieter than normal though. She had her antibiotics in her porridge again this morning without a fuss as she usually gets up when i move her cage first thing and checks her bowl so i just put it on the side of her bowl and she ate it. It's Baytril 0.3ml to try and help her shift the abcess and help her body clear it up, that's how the vet explained it. She has been sleeping all day and isn't up yet, which is normal for her. I'll keep a close eye on her tonight after she has taken them as it was a very weird thing to happen, she was out of it really for about 20 mins before she decided she wanted to be up and about again.
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