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Old 09-24-2015, 10:26 AM  
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Default Re: Browney's thread

Originally Posted by Fluffagrams View Post
He's so cute. I can see why you just had to take him home because I think I'd be feeling the same.

Such an adorable video of him in his new cage, I love the way hybrids walk with that little waddle.
It's irresistible is the it!
I find it funny that I fell for him considering that he has the exact same colouring that Kiki does. But somehow he got my full attention and my boyfriend's too! Like there wasn't any other hammy it could be haha I even made a fuzz about that it had to be him and not any of his 3 brothers with the same colouring haha

Originally Posted by Shannonmcn View Post
Poor little guy! I agree, he was so brave :3

Does it take 10 days for the mites to go completely? I dont have any experience with mites but if he's still settling then 10 days without handling him isn't the absolute worst thing to do to be on the safe side.
I actually have no clue, I have never had hamster (or any pet for that matter) with mites before. The vet said he had to come back in 7-10 days to get a second injection. And that in most cases the itchiness wouldn't disappear before the second injection. That's about all I know (: poor pet shop though. Having to get all their hammies treated won't be much fun!

I can handle him though. I just have to make sure that I change clothes (should he touch it) and wash my hands afterwards. To make sure that I don't pass it on to Kiki. But considering that I got him yesterday I do have to leave him alone for a week. It's soon difficult though as he is already running to my hand when he realises I have food! It's an overload of fluffiness! Him waddling the fastest he can haha

Originally Posted by Thin Lizzy View Post
I so agree piebald lol!
Congratulations on Browney, he's so handsome!
That video has got too be the cutest thing I've seen, he's quite the explorer!
Yes, the cage is a bit bare but agree about waiting too see about the itching.
Thank you! He's a lovely tiny fluff and very brave as well!
Maybe you can answer my question, Lizzy, so I don't have to make a thread about it!
Should I disinfect his stuff when the mites are gone from him? I have no idea if they are bothersome and stay on everything and will jump back on him if I don't clean them out?
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