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Old 09-23-2015, 05:17 PM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: Do hamsters recognize deeds or actions?

Yes I think they can recognise deeds or actions - from a trusted person with a familiar smell. They learn to trust through the experience of how you handle them and how you treat them. And make their feelings known if you do something to annoy them or overstep the mark! Most hams get stressed about cage cleans, so it's important to keep that trust and build on it by being careful not to disturb their set up too much during cage cleans. Using a potty litter tray helps as the rest of the cage tends to stay clean then and you just empty and clean out the potty tray and refill it once a week. Glad he is so lovely and tame. Watch out though, sometimes they still 'ping' when not fully tame or used to you (ie leap out of your hands and fall).
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