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Old 09-17-2015, 10:41 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 13
Default Re: is this 'play' fighting between Robo's?

Originally Posted by cypher View Post
4 wheels lol! they are getting spoilt! The 4.5" is too small even for a robo really, do the bigger silent spinners work ok? Lots of people have had problems with the new ones so if it is a bit stiff they may struggle with it but then it could just be that they like a noisy wheel!

They sound to be settling in much better now, I think it should be fine to leave them for a while longer & just keep a close eye on things to see how it develops, hopefully they will sort things out between themselves without any fighting & live happily together, fingers crossed!
I know! 4 wheels and they'll only use two lol! I checked the silent spinner again and doesn't seem stiff, the other two wheels that they use (one is a new one I picked up) have larger floor space for running so maybe that's it? I even put treats inside the silent spinner to see if that would get them to use it ... Stubborn hams haha. Noisy wheel for them less sleep for me but oh well!

I really do hope the chasing and squeaking (which has lessened) is just them settling in to their new home, and if not it just goes to show it really can come down to personality! The detolf is massive as I'm sure you know (1024 square inches... Big enough for 4 robos!) with two of everything and the outcome can still be separation. But if that's the way it is that's fine, much rather two happy hams than two stressed out fighting ones.

Another question! The log that they have made their nest is a reptile log like I mentioned. The only way to check they're both in there is to lift the log up and look through one of the holes at either end, which isn't very practical. I was planning on cutting the log in half so it would be a U shape so once I lift it up they would be on the bottom of the tank not inside a log. I have held off on doing this as of yet as I wouldn't want to stress them out and do anything that could cause fighting but what do you think? They both sleep in the log together and it's probably down to them feeling the most safe and secure as it'll be pitch black inside due to the length and that it is completely sealed. Do you think I should leave this until a later date?

Thanks for all your help so far Cypher! You have been great
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