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Old 09-16-2015, 01:36 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 13
Exclamation is this 'play' fighting between Robo's?

Hi all,

I've had my female robo pair home now for 3 days and there is some squabbling going on. They live together in a IKEA detolf converted into a hamster cage so there is plenty of room for the two of them. I have done extensive research into the best way you can reduce the chances of fallouts so in the tank are 3 wheels, 2 water bottles, 2 bendy bridge/house, a wooden house with two entrances and a piece of wood (hollow) generally used for reptiles which they have decided to make their home and i also scatter feed! no bowls!. They sleep together which I have heard is a good sign but like I said there has been some squabbling/squeaking. Last night I was up at 2am watching them and one does appear to chase the other, the chaser is a lot more bold within the cage happy to come out during the day even when my bedroom light is on, however the 'chasee' will only come out and night when my lights are off... hence the 2am observation last night.

I done some research about the dominant and submissive roles that have to be taken on by the hamsters. Is this what the chasing is? I've given them a slight checkover by watching them in the tank and there doesn't appear to be any cuts/bites on either of the hams but the squeaking and chasing is quite distressing to watch. I know it's said to be a 50/50 chance whether robos will get a long in a pair but I would love them to live together and as far as I'm aware I have taken all areas into account when trying to reduce the risk of fighting.

So what I'm really trying to ask is, is this chasing/squeaking them figuring out who is the dominant and who is the submissive? Or are they fighting already? Like I said I have only had them home a total of 3 days so it's still early days. Are they still adjusting to their new home? Or should I be checking daily from the get-go on the condition of them to be making sure there is no cuts/injuries.

I have the room to separate if needs be and this is one of the reasons I decided to go with the detolf as it can easily be split in to two. But I think it's still early days for the two only being 3 days in to their new home.

Any help on this topic would be greatly appreciated! and I thank you all for your time.

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