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Old 09-05-2015, 09:37 PM  
Hamster Pup
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Posts: 241
Default Re: Tips on bonding/playing with my hammy?

Physical contact is good for bonding. For most of my hamsters, I would be handling them after a day or three after bringing them home. Pretty much just getting them out of their cages, sitting down somewhere, and letting them explore me. I believe a lot of people place a towel in their bath tub and sit on it, and just let their hammy explore them that way.

It gets the hamster used to your smell, and to being handled, and helps them become more confident with you. Even less friendly hamsters (cage aggressive dwarfs, for example) benefit from this, as they get used to how you remove them from their cage (cardboard tube is my preferred way) and then they associate your smell and touches for something good (out-of-cage time).

So, erm, get your hammy out for cuddles rather than play time? =D
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