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Old 09-02-2015, 06:09 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 15
Default Wet poo and spiders and also tube nesting

So my long haired Syrian Nubbins, I got him from petsmart like a while back, sometime at the beginning of the year I believe.

So I just was putting him in the ball and had my little brother watch him, few minutes later I go over to start rearranging some tubes and I notice there's wet poo by the door, and in two of the tubes. So you know I clean everything out, check his bed for any major issues.

[He sleeps and nests in a round purple tube, I don't know why but I can't get him out of the habit. He does usually have some poo in there but it's just small pellets that I get when I clean it out every now in then. I try not to do it too often though because he also stores food and bedding in there and I don't want to mess with his things too much. Please tell me if this is something I should be concerned about too.]

His bed was fine, just normal amount of like normal poo and so I cleaned out the tubes where I saw it. There was none in his ball that I left him in for twenty minutes but I just want to know what happened because it was like smears and this has never happened before. I have not given him anything special to eat or none of that.

Also another concern I have is that currently his cages are all on the floor because of certain housing issues I'm having, I just moved and I don't have my own room yet so he's in the living room in the corner. My brother said he spotted a small spider in his tube while cleaning them but didn't tell me if it was alive or dead or even let me see before he flushed it. Should I do something about this or does he know how to kill spiders if they come towards him?
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