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Old 08-12-2015, 05:57 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 13
Default Re: Solitary? Stressed?

Originally Posted by Shannonmcn View Post
When you see any post about hamsters on the Internet (outside rodent forums maybe) there will be at least one story of hamsters fighting and killing eachother in the comments, guaranteed.

And just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it won't, people don't apply that logic in other areas of their life. Like just because you don't wear a seatbelt and haven't been killed in a car crash yet doesn't mean you should continue to never wear your seatbelt when presented with facts on how dangerous it is. And really that link above from cookie tiger would be worth reading along with other bits and pieces about body language. People don't know hamster body language, most people don't even understand dog body language and dogs have been companion animals for thousands of years, their body language is incredibly expressive and designed for us to understand. You still see so many people get bitten or dogs hurt because they don't understand a dog is frightened or scared and think they know best, poor little hams don't stand a chance.
Agreed I get this response alot as you would naturally think that brother or sister hamsters would get along together and be cute but any Google search would seriously warn you otherwise! When I actually tried to google to find people who advocated it I couldn't! I get this response with wire/mesh wheels, oh my hamsters legs hasn't ripped of yet but if it does happen I'll change its wheel, totally crazy!
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