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Old 08-10-2015, 06:57 AM  
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Default Re: Big bar spacing!

I agree about buying a sheet of small square mesh from a DIY store.

Your right though about dwarf hamsters (not so much Chinese as they are more nimble at climbing!) not being able to get out due to the height aspect and as long as you don`t allow her any accessories that can be accessed to reach the roof, leaving the lid unmeshed should be fine, unless of course you have cats, dogs or small children around.

I can`t take a photo of my set up (no digi camera) but I use a Gabber Rex tank, same size as the Zoozone 1 and the grill my cage had was very rusty when I bought it second hand, so I threw it away. I did make a wooden frame with mesh instead, but I`ve kept two single roborovski and now a Russian dwarf in this cage with no escapes without the lid being on. The cage even has a mini Duna shelf at one end and Chubs still can`t get out.

It is a good idea to have the lid secure though because if she ever does feel the need to try an escape act, at least your grill will be meshed and safely tied. Saw your cage on your other thread by the way, it looks nice. x
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