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Old 07-19-2015, 09:22 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 19
Default Re: Problem with pet mouse's eye?

1. I just changed my bedding to aspen shavings today; which is what my mice have previously always used. Before I was using pine shavings for about a week and a few days, which is around the time I noticed the constant scratching.

2.They use tissue paper as nesting.

3. They are fed on the hamster mix VitaSmart Complete Nutrition which is what I have fed them for the majority of their lives, the only exception being about 3 months on a different hamster mix. I changed back to VitaSmart around 2-3 weeks ago.

4. Both of my mice are about very close to exactly 1 year of age.

Its only been a couple of hours since I changed the bedding but she still seems to be scratching. I froze the bedding for a day and a half in advance before changing it so I don't think mites are a problem now nor was it before since I froze it for atleast a day with the pine shavings as well. My other mouse isn't scratching anything more than a healthy amount.

Thank you so much for helping me so far!
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