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Old 05-26-2015, 08:38 AM  
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Default Re: Possible blood found on Pumpkin's wheel

The term `beating a dead horse` springs to mind but these fights always land on deaf ears and passing the buck, it`s typical. If those bloodied feet had been that of a young child, the product would have been recalled immediately. It`s shameful. Animal welfare legislation? It`s not worth the paper it`s written on if it can`t be used in law.

Item - Faulty and causes injury (fact)
Legal - If there are regulations that can be matched with the above, that`s where factual evidence comes in. Every company has terms and conditions and have to meet certain criteria. If they havn`t, then they are liable. Zooplus are selling a product that is factually flawed and they have been made well aware of that, yet they choose to ignore this and sell the product anyway?

It`s all about evidence and where the law stand regarding selling regulations and safety.

On a happier note Leila, you have done a grand job! Glad the cork liner is working for Pumpkin! Although you shouldn`t have had to go to the extra expense of making the wheel safe if it was sold as a lined version only. x
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