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Old 05-17-2015, 04:05 AM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Jan 2015
Location: Sheffield
Posts: 232
Unhappy Sleep tight Bruno <3

As some of you may know a few weeks ago I had to make the tough decision to put Bruno to sleep. Over a month or so his behavior had changed; he stopped using his wheel, didn't want to come out for playtime, and stopped using his wheel. As well as his behavior changing his stomach was swollen and one night I checked on him and his eyes were closed so the next day I took him to the vets. The vet could feel fluid in his stomach and could see some discharge so she put him on antibiotics for a week. Unfortunately after a week he was still no better so we took him to the vets again. Alongside the vet I decided putting him to sleep was the best thing to do because he didn't have a good quality of life and if the vet was to treat him it would have only prolonged his life, it wouldn't have treated his swollen stomach.
Bruno wasn't tamed but before being put to sleep I was able to hold my baby for the first and last time. He loved to have a good run on his wheel, and a run around my bedroom in his ball. He was always so content and his coloring was gorgeous. I still to this day miss him and love him so much, he was a great first Hamster.
I would just like to thank everyone for your kind words on my previous thread and all the help you have all given me on previous threads about Bruno.
Whilst Bruno was at the vets it was confirmed he was actually a girl and not a boy haha but oh well he will always be my little boy.
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