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Old 03-11-2015, 11:47 AM  
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Default Re: Now where did I put....

Originally Posted by Kelsits View Post
Hooray! Another teacher! I am an English teacher. Anyway, Thin Lizzy, people do interact with their pets usually, it's just they don't get caught very often. Been caught a few times by My bfs parents who now ignore it and my bf who decides to answer like I'm talking to him "why yes, I am a fluffy cutie, thanks for noticing...." etc.
Originally Posted by Serendipity7000 View Post
Have to admit I am kind of an ex teacher too. I trained as an English teacher a few years ago but the career didn't get off the ground. So I do know what you mean about reactions in schools lol! Having said that, there's nothing like distracting the enemy to get results! (Only joking - I like children, but sometimes classroom management means resorting to something whacky to get them to behave when you're a trainee!) I had one class who kept asking me where I lived having seen me turn up in a car piled up with stuff in the back. For the first three months of my course I was living in two youth hostels and a B&B the other two nights as I had to travel about so much between University and schools and had just moved out of my house). Now one thing I was told was - never tell them where you live - so I used to joke and say I lived in a hole in the ground. They loved it! So I kept that one up.
Ooooooh - I taught English too - wonder if there is any correlation to teaching English and being hamster obsessed! Nothing quite like teaching is there! It can be a very rewarding profession but also a very demanding one. It takes true passion and a certain type of person to manage it for the long haul. My brother is a teacher, it's the reason he gets up in the morning and he couldn't imagine doing anything else. For me though while I enjoyed it I found it very stressful and just couldn't see myself doing it for the next 30 years. The sad fact is I make far more money working as an administrator .

Serendipity - I have to agree with keeping them on their toes, I just may pass on that hole in the ground idea to my brother

Kelsits - your BF sounds like a good laugh . To be fair I think most of us have conversations with our hamsters

Originally Posted by Serendipity7000 View Post
I'm going to be editing a video in the next few days (I find it a total pain as none of the software seems to be compatible and if I upload it direct to youtube it takes something like a whole day!) - in which I am talking to Charlie a lot. It seemed perfectly normal to me - but my other half thinks I'm bonkers lol! I showed him the video last night and he said there were too many long boring bits (which there are, which is why it needs editing), but he didn't find the funny bits funny either. I said - you had to be there! He thought I had knocked his house over and came out and glared at me and I said "I didn't do it! It was you!" and he went back in again with a flounce. But then other half works with animals (sheep and sheepdog) so doesn't have time to 'interact' with them as such. I know he has a soft spot though because he won't eat lamb.
We must see that video *cracks whip*

Originally Posted by Dalis_mum View Post
Spent 40 minutes looking for my glasses this morning... I found them on my face! The fact that i couldn't have seen to find them without them should have been my first clue!
Ha ha! Don't feel bad, I think we've all done that at least once I threw my flat upside down once looking for my reading glasses only to find them in my glasses case where they belonged!
Hamster Mom to Axel McFluffypants who wears his Scottish kilt proudly.
Forever Hamster Mom to a Syrian Fluff Monster called Spike - now laying siege to all the radiators over the Rainbow Bridge
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