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Old 02-22-2015, 09:48 AM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: German minimum cage size

Yours is great! Is it open at the top or is there a door for that bit please? I think my syrian would jump out otherwise! Glad to know that shavings are seen as suitable in Germany - and that the tectake cage is fine - it actually looks like pine to me anyway and yes it sounds like it would need plastikoting.

A lot of people have the trixie houses. I guess so many things could be a hazard to hamsters that you have to draw the line somewhere as I think people have used these houses without issue as well, but I know others have found them dangerous because of nails if they are chewed. I also used to think chipboard was a bit noxious - formaldehyde in glue and all that, but as you say, it's sealed in by the formica/melamine and has probably improved in recent years. We're surrounded by it anyway. But you do make it sound simple - which it is! A big habitat, safe housing and plenty of substrate is about it really isn't it? I also like the idea of a Mamble with a full level in but not sure how easy that would be to do. At the moment I am hankering after an Alexander cage or a detolf.

Thanks very much for all your info on here - much appreciated by me and I'm sure by others.
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