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Old 10-06-2009, 10:03 AM  
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 5,941
Default Re: Escaped hamster stories

when i was a child one of our family hamsters was out in a ball - she was a bit of a nipper and i was a bit scared of her. Anyway she got out of the ball and went behind the kick plate in the kitchen, to the back of a cupboard and then through behind some skirting which had a tiny void. We called dad at work and said to him and we then pulled the kickplates off, put thick gloves on and put food out for her. She eventually came out and mum scooped her up and put her straight back in her cage. What a fright she must have had and we did too.

The other escapee was more recent and decided to have an adventure up the road. She got out of her cage, somehow out of the house and trundled up the slight hill and was eventually found by a neighbour - unfortunately she didn't survive the trip. RIP fuzee fi. .
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