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Old 02-14-2015, 06:48 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Feb 2015
Posts: 19
Default Rescued Robo from a life of abuse.

Hi all, as you could guess I'm Tone and very recently rescued a Roborovski from an abusive home.

I'm in the process of building Shabah (it's new name) a nice new home because it's old one has taken a real beating. Wheel was smashed; it looks like it was shot as it was hit so hard that it's left an expanding hole though the plastic. Corners of the cage are cracked, straights are both cracked and have stress fractures and it also has paint abrasions from impacts against a wall..!!

I had a Hamster as a child but that was a long time ago where one only really had pet shops for information, looking around they haven't changed much

I've looked at a lot of videos by ErinsAnimals, ChocolateColors26 and
Joy Georgina. If there are other YouTube channels folk here can recommend, that would be cool.

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