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Old 02-10-2015, 12:54 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Aug 2014
Posts: 14
Default Blood discharge from Syrian hamster

Hi! I have a female Syrian hamster almost 2 years old. I went to pick her up today when she woke up and noticed that she had some red discharge, very little. I got very worried as this has never happened before. I went online and looked into it and read that hamsters do not have menstrual cycles and that blood discharge during heat and the estrus cycle is abnormal. I also read about Pyometra, which really scared me. It doesn't seem like my hamster has Pyometra as she does not have swelling in her abdominal area and there is no foul smell or pus when I lightly squeeze her tummy (suggested in another thread). She is eating fine and being her usual self aside from the little blood discharge. The blood discharge is not from her urine as she has a designated area in her cage that she goes to for going. I am very worried that she is sick, please help!
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