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Old 02-03-2015, 12:59 AM  
PM Fluffy for custom title
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Default Re: Look what I found!

I recently had my hamster get into a hole in the wall I never knew existed (behind the radiator). He disappeared into the walls and I thought I'd never see him again. I could hear him scrabbling around for hours and then nothing. Worst day ever, I cried myself to sleep. I thought that if he didn't get stuck and starve the current freezing cold temperatures or one of my neighbors cats would get him. I did let all my neighbors know though. Luckily the little b%&*^% did eventually come back for his supper, wondering why I was making such a fuss . Point being, as others have said, someone out there may be missing him terribly and given him up for dead/lost. I'm glad you've put the flyers up, it might also be a good idea to knock on the doors of your immediate neighbors as well. At least this way you know that you've made every effort to find his owners. I'm happy you've decided to keep him if he isn't claimed though, he's a very very lucky hammy!
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