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Old 08-26-2009, 09:35 AM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Hampshire, UK
Posts: 60
Default Re: What food do you give your hammies?

This is a very interesting thread. I've only had Koda for a week and a half and he's my first 'baby' so I'm kinda fumbling a bit still. I use the P @ H Hamster Muesli, is that the p@h one everyone is saying is bad? I've looked on the label and there's nothing that says sugar or any of the other sugar synonyms, but there is something called 'syrup' and another thing called 'lucerne'. It doesn't say what kind of syrup but it could be sugar syrup. What is lucerne?

Koda always stuffs his pouches and stores it in his bed, but he does tend to leave the brown lumpy things. I'll take a look in my local sainsburys for HH. There's no Wilkos around here though.

I have bought some packeted treats for him, one is called something like 'Hamster Burger' and I can't remember what the other one's called. He seems to hate anything 'herbaceous' and dried and always leaves the green coloured dried treats. I've mixed up some bits from the cupboard, raisins, pine nuts, chopped walnuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds and he enjoys that. I've given him a piece of baby corncob today and he loved it. I tried a piece of watermelon the other day and he took a tentative nibble and turned his nose up.

I'll have to think about an occasional bit of scrambled egg or baby rice pudding too, never thought of that.
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