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Old 01-25-2015, 07:34 AM  
Dwarf whisperer
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Default Re: Wash hands between holding boy and girl hamster?

To begin with I would wash your hands between, they will still smell each other on your clothes so you should be able to tell from how they react to that what's the best way to go.
They all vary, I have 3 & my little Chinese girl really isn't all that bothered by the smell of the others, my male Russian hybrid is really quite curious & will spend ages sniffing my hands quite happily if I've handles either my Chinese or my female hybrid.
My female hybrid is another matter! She is quite territorial & I only once made the mistake of going straight to her after handling the male, she went to climb out of her cage into my hands as usual then just sank her teeth into my finger & wouldn't let go! Never again lol! She also gets a little anxious if my Chinese has been running around all over me & she can smell it but not to the extent where I'd feel the need to change clothes.
Just take it slowly & see how they respond you may find they'll both be fine.
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