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Old 01-09-2015, 12:14 AM  
Senior Hamster
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Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: Quebec, Canada
Posts: 443
Default Re: Syrian hamster biting?

Taming/Handling Tips:

Stuff their nesting material/bedding into your clothes before you place it in their cage. They will connect your smell to a safe and warm place which should help make taming and handling quicker and easier!

Once they have had 24hrs to settle down into their new home, you can start with hand feeding treats on a daily basis. I use sunflower seeds and Rice Krispies for daily treats, and fresh fruit & veg every couple of days. Talk to them slowly and quietly to begin with while they eat. This will get them used to your hand and voice, they will realize the hand is a good thing which will bring them nice things to eat! They should start to approach your hand! You can let your hammy sniff your fingers, if you have a nibbler like mine it's best to avoid fingers near their face to unless you have food. Show them the back of your hand to sniff instead!

Try gently stroking their back as they eat once they have gotten used to you, get them used to contact. If they are ok around your hand and approaching for treats you can guide them onto your hand using a treat!

Scoop your hamster up with both hands while inside the cage. Let them climb down when they want to! Do this regularly to get them used to being picked up, they know they can leave at any time so will feel comfortable and will start to trust you.

Once your hammy is comfortable with in-cage handling you can start cupping your hands around them, get them used to being held and not being able to climb away immediately. Once they are used to this you can start bringing them out of the cage for short periods on your lap or in a bathtub with you (No water!). Start with very short trips out and slowly increase it. It won't be long before your hamster will be begin to come out and play with you!

This is just a way which worked for me and taming my timid/nervous hamster, there are other methods so you might need to try a few ways before you get the right one. Every hamster is different and unique in their own way. I hope this will help you!
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