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Old 12-11-2014, 07:51 AM  
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Default Re: sudden hamster death

I am sorry to hear of your loss.
At this age though he was a very old hamster and his death sounds peaceful and most likely due to a sudden heart attack or stroke simply due to old age. They often lie slightly out the nest when they pass over so don't worry about that. It was nothing you did and he sounds to have been much loved and enjoyed life to the full.
Could you perhaps do a pot burial till spring? Get a large pot and some fresh soil from the garden centre and place him in there and then plant a hardy plant on top and put him outside in a sheltered area or greenhouse maybe. In the spring the plant will grow and flower then maybe befoe next winter sets in the whole pland can be planted out in the garden. His body will have joined the circle of life by then.
Play well at the bridge Hempy x
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