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Old 12-27-2005, 04:29 AM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 168

I have found that over the years I have worked with the species there has been a definate improvement in temperament.

I treid to breed a few years back, but it just ended up in a blood bath with the female trying to eat the male. But I currently have a successful breeding pair - I got these from the same person that I got the other off too!

The ones i see at work are more tolerant too. I had three girls who had babies and all lived together great. I took about the male babies so it was 9 females in one cage. Over time we have a few escapees and we ended up with 15 females in that cage without any problems at all. All slept together and ived in total harmony.

We have just had a pair of males fall out though, one is in a right state. So although the agression is still there, it seems much less than it used to be.
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