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Old 11-22-2014, 04:36 AM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: Bringing the little one home?

I put a couple of little houses in my travel cage, and hid bits of food all over the place in the substrate, which kept Charlie occupied digging and foraging. He liked the little hay house best because he could get right inside in the dark. A small cardboard box with a door cut out would do the trick (they hay house is just a cardboard box with hay stuck on the inside and outside. I hid a monkey nut as well as some food in the substrate and he just sat in the house cracking his nut and then went to sleep. Put as much substrate in as you can, and some paper bedding. Yes a blanket is a good idea. Here's a photo of Charlie's pet carrier set up and him in it (he was only in there while I was cage cleaning).


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