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Old 11-13-2014, 09:31 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Nov 2014
Location: East midlands, UK
Posts: 2
Default Looking for a winter white hamster (east midlands)

Hello everyone,
I am currently looking for a winter white hamster breeder in the east midlands (UK)
I am from the northants, and my mother and I are willing to travel to Leicester, Bedfordshire (just as an example of how far).
On the 19th of October I lost my little hybrid boy and I miss him dearly.
the only thing I do regret is buying from a pet store since hybrids are prone to problems as I have experienced. he lived about 1 year and 10 months, and those last 10 months were very difficult, and heart breaking since we were always back and fourth from the vets.
I really don't want to go through that again, but would love if someone pointed me in the direction of a good reputable winter white breeder in my area.
Just to note, I'm not looking for a hamster just right now as I only lost my boy a few weeks back.
If I am going to give a home to another little one, it'll be early next year.
If anyone is a breeder in my area and contacts me directly, I'd really appreciate a PM.
Thank you! x
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