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Old 10-01-2014, 11:27 AM  
Hamster Therapist
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Default Re: Struggling to tame Poe

Not sure about the smell. Strong urine smell, may be diabetes? correct me if I'm wrong, since I never had a ham with diabetes. A clean cage doesn't smell, hammies never really smell at all. If they do its either a) a stinking cage or b) a female in heat....two different smells at any rate.

I have yet to have a smell come from my hams cages. Soon as you can discern one, its time to clean the cage...and I do the more German model of partials, and never more than once a month, mixing old substrate with new. Even on a complete cage clean, a bit of old litter is advisable.

As for sound, well, your ham looks wonderfully healthy. Some are vocal, some are not....and fear often makes them shriek. On a scale of one to ten with screaming hams, this one sounds like a 4? Scared.....and being vocal about it, but not freaking out.

Leaving your hand in like the video is good. Proceeding at the hammies pace, it might be a couple minutes of five or more......ok, still screaming a bit....but I see a hamster actually trying to get near the hand, and then getting all scared....not a freaked out hamster or a hamster cowering in fear. It may just take a while with this one.....its great she seems to approach, then hide, come back, hide......there's no rush......

Plenty to read online about taming, here and otherwhere's but it still comes down to what works for the individual critter. I used to think hams having their 'own personality' was a cute idea....till you find out they can be as weird as humans, and as quirky.

Do what works, and let the ham decide when its comfortable....thats the secret of taming. Even after they're tamed, they need to feel in control at all times.....if they don't? they let us know.
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