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Old 09-28-2014, 04:11 PM  
Artsy Hammy
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 196
Default Re: Taming Tips And Tricks?

1. Let your hamster come to you: To him, your hand probably seems like a hawk coming down to eat him. Make sure you do not come from above, since that is what a predator would do. Talk to him to let him know that you are there, and slowly put your hand into his cage, while still talking. Once you get your hand in the cage, leave it in that position. Do not move it. He will run away. Let him come over to you, sniff your hand, and leave when he is ready. Be patient, as him feeling comfortable enough to make his way to your hand will most likely take a while. It is important for any hamster, nervous ones in particular, to feel as if they are in control. You moving your hand to try and pick him up will startle him, however if he is able to come over and take his time, he will feel much more comfortable with the idea of your hand being in his cage.

2. Don't expect things, as you will just be disappointed. If you expect your hamster to come to you and eagerly jump into your hand within a few days, you will be unhappy when you see that he is not doing this. However, you would have missed that he came closer to your hand than before, and was thinking about taking the treat from your hand. You need to focus on every little bit of improvement and move at his pace, not your own.

3. Move slowly through the taming process Make sure that your hamster is completely comfortable with one thing before you move onto another. I have to admit that, despite reading this several times on this forum and other areas on the internet, I don't always believe that it's necessary to take the amount of time that many people suggest while going through the taming process. I did not follow the exact structure of the process described in many different places, and my hamsters are both very tame. Neither of my hamsters are shy, so moving through the taming at a much faster pace was not a big deal, however, I do believe that it is imperative for you to move through the taming process at a very slow pace since your hamster is so shy.

I really hope these three tips help! Please let me know if you have any questions about what I said.
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