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Old 04-15-2009, 12:57 AM  
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Default Re: Hamster Beaphar Care + Food - any good?

Hmmmm I wonder if it is worth trying my little Mo on this...

She originally had P@H Hamster Muesli as she came from there, and ate every bit of it - then I got her a new bag of it and they have changed the food, Little Mo decided she then didnt like it.

I then tried Harry Hamster and she liked that even less - loads was going to waste every day - not sure which bits she was actually eating

She is now on Beaphar XtraVital - but to be honest, she doesnt seem to like that either and is just picking at select bits

I'm worried that she is not getting a complete enough diet (although I do give her additional broccoly, nuts, and oats every day which she eats very well)

This Care + food might be a good option - just wish it wasnt so bloomin expensive!
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