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Old 04-11-2009, 03:11 PM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Dorset, UK
Posts: 81
Default Re: For those who show their hams - need opinions!

Yes, I was thinking No 1 too, so glad that you agree. It was a very hard choice though and both are absolutely wonderful hamsters, very very tame and friendly and interested in the world. I feel very proud that I am effectively responsible for these wonderful little creatures

The person due to pick up the girl we didn't choose has actually pulled out now as he has bought a hamster at Thame show, so I am half tempted to keep both even though my husband does not agree...

I have found that cream is a very, very competitive class, it does have the advantage of the hamsters deepening as they age which is good for a small hamstery like ours as it extends their showing "shelf life", though I have been tempted to bring in a sable to extend the colours a little to perhaps give us half a chance against the experts!
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