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Old 09-14-2014, 09:15 PM  
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Default Re: Knew Syrian Very Stinky

LOL. Now that sounds very much like a Mama hammy taking care of business! For now, only feed and water her once a day, and stay away from the cage the rest of the time. Especially since she is still new in her home. Hamsters require a feeling of safety when they have pups. There are many folks here on the site who can attest to the fact that their new pregnant hammies were too young, or too stressed, and they culled the entire litter. However, there are others who did very nicely as new Mamas. So keep it simple and as quiet as you can for her and she may do well with the pups. For her diet, added to her hammy food, give her a bit of scrambled egg, a small bit of cooked chicken, baby food chicken and rice or chicken and vegetables (No onion or garlic in the ingredients!), a little cooked pasta and some cooked and cooled oatmeal. She would enjoy some raw broccoli, carrot, string bean and peas. Raw baby spinach is excellent for giving her iron. Switch on and off each day so she has variety. She could use the extra nutrition as she's caring for the babies. After your description of the Papa, I think this will be a lovely litter.
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