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Old 09-06-2014, 07:02 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Aug 2014
Posts: 15
Exclamation My hamster escaped at night!!

I woke up today my my father saying it's a snake!! Then he said its you're hamster!! My first thought was that a snake came in and ate my robo. But when I went to go check, my hamster was just sitting outside my brother's closet. I was so confused... I tried to catch him by putting some food on my hand, and cupping him when he crawled on to eat. He ran away as soon as I would lift the other hand. He finally ran into my room behind his cage. We caught him by putting some food in his hamster ball and we finally caught him when he climbed in. I am pretty sure he crawled out by pushing the top off. We have a bar cage, but he cant fit through the bars. We also didnt clasp the top shut since it is kind of heavy and we thought he could never push it up. I am also pretty sure that he wasnt gone for long because I woke up at about 5:30 to go to the restroom and I heard him munching in his cage. We caught him at around 7:00. My brother also mentioned that he heard him squealing alot. My hamster rarely squeals. Hopefully he didnt get stuck anywhere, or eat random toxic things. Im am keeping an eye out for any strange behaviour. What do you think is the reason he got out. He had to try, it couldnt have been an accident. Also, when I put him in the cage, he was drinling alot of water. He had acsess to food outside the cage because his pouch was stuffed. But he didnt have acsess to water. We found him in a closet full of my dad's building tools and we know there can be very toxic chemicals on there.Hopefully he is alright.
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