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Old 08-30-2014, 12:03 PM  
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Default Squeaking in their beds?

My two boys, Miso and Pocky, share a cage with each other. They seem to be getting along perfectly fine. In the first few days there were a few dominance squabbles (I think this was over their little hut) which I removed from the cage and I haven't seen them fighting since. I scatter feed their food and they're happy to play with each other. I've noticed sometimes they squeak when they're in their nest that they've built, but when I lift the bedding they're snuggled together and they stare at me for taking their bedding off. After I hear them squeak I always check them and they haven't bit each other, there's no marks and they don't seem stressed. Am I just being too worried about nothing? Because I've heard that a lot of dwarfs squeak in their sleep.
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