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Old 02-24-2005, 05:42 PM  
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I can see how it might be easy to laugh..

When Butters got sick and I wanted to bring her to the vet my father in law kind of laughed and asked how much would it cost.. So I told him 30.00 bucks and laughed again and asked, "how many more hamsters can you buy with that?"

So what if that will but me three more health ones, I took on the reasonability so I should take care of that animal, plus when a pet becomes part of the family you will do all you can to keep it healthy and happy.

When I did take butters in the vets everyone there wanted to see her, I felt bad because she was sick and they all wanted to hold her, it was as if they hardly see hamsters in there. Allot of vet places don’t even treat small animals.

So many people own rodents in this world, at this point it shouldn’t need to be a specialty it should be taught to vets just as well as dogs and cats.
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